G Suite Self Service to create users, groups and aliases

  • This page shows how you can have self service for your users, for e.g, you can let them fill up the form to create users, or group or aliases etc automatically.
  • You can collect their email address and also can have form restricted to be filled only by your G Suite tenant.
  • You can also add conditional checks in between, for e.g only create groups if the requester's information passes certain checks.

Group Creation Form

  • This form shows a POC for a use case where G Suite Admin wants to enable self service (admin managed) G Suite Group creation.

  • Users can simply fill up the form here, and a script will trigger to read values and create the group if it hasn't been created yet, script will user admin account (you can also use free Cloud Identity account with admin rights) to run it.

  • After filling the form you can immediately refresh this site and then scroll below to look at the google sheet which shows if the group has been created based on your input.

  • This way users can create groups (or other objects as required) without admin rights, obviously you can put conditional checks in place.

Groups creation sheet - view only