G Suite Health Dashboard

  1. This Dashboard leverages Google Sites + Sheets + Directory API + Reports API + Extreme IP lookup service (3rd party) + Apps Script (with daily time trigger) to keep itself automatically updated everyday.

  2. Some data here might not make sense as its coming from my demo domain, but hope you get the idea.

  3. Its just a sample, You can add more reports to it, share it securely with your team so they can see any time, and from any device.

  4. If you are a G Suite reseller, it can be a good value add-on.

Login Location Report

  • It represents the login location of the users, this information comes from Reports API (IP address), in combination of using Geo IP locator API (3rd party) to fetch location.

  • More information can be visualized here such as login country, state, city, ISP name as all that information is provided by using Geo IP locator API.

Login Type Report

  • It represents the login type that was used to login to G Suite where-:

  • Google Password - User logged in via Google credentials.

  • SAML - User logged in through a 3rd party IdP via SAML.

  • Reauth - User re-authenticated due to session expiry or other login challenge.

Login Challenge Report

  • It represents the method that was used by users to login to their G Suite account.

  • Information about each of the method is available at Google Reports API page here

Domain Wide Users Report

  • It represents users in our different domains within our G Suite tenant.

Active vs Suspended Report

  • This report represents the number of active vs suspended users in our domain.

  • We primarily suspended users to retain their data for future references.

License Consumption Report

  • This report represents number of G Suite licenses we have consumed.

  • Non-Consumed licenses may also include other Google products like Cloud Identity.

Logged In vs Never Logged In Report

  • This report represents the number of users who have logged in at least once in their G Suite accounts vs the ones who never logged in.

  • We need to ensure reaching out to "Never Logged In" ones and help them start using G Suite as we are paying for these licenses to Google every month.

Multi Factor Enrollment Status

  • This report shows the number of users who have enrolled (vs not enrolled) in Google's Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) for secure access.

Org Unit based license consumption

  • This report shows the number of G Suite licensed users based on Organization Unit.

  • This may help in use case where you are a multi national company, have centralized G Suite billing, but want to attribute cost based on your geography or country based org unit structure.

  • Watch this video to see how its working